Find Helpful Articles Concerning Registrants
In an attempt to provide information regarding sex offenders that is factual while at the same time serving to help protect, a committee produced a simple handout with information gathered from various sources titled Seven Sex Offender Myths. The Myths document is formatted so that if printed back to back and folded, it will make a simple handout. Additionally, a partner handout titled Red Flags is a useful discussion tool.
NOTE: Some material is still accurate despite the dates.
Articles you may find helpful:
Re-Entry Resource Information for WI:
Website Links
Prison Aftercare Network of NE WI
Contact information for Brown Count
JDK Ministries
SE Wisconsin Support Ministry
National Reentry Resource Center - Listings by State
Find resources for each state by clicking on the map of that state
Lionheart Foundation
Find resources for each state
Milwaukee Archdiocese Reentry Support
Support links for SE Wisconsin
Jobs for Felons Hub
A real-time application for job availability
Every effort is made to make sure links are active but if you come across one that is not working, please contact me.<click>
Prison/Jail Resources
Prison Aftercare Network of NE Wisconsin - Support links and information for those nearing release in Brown County
A Reasoned Approach: Reshaping Sex Offender Policy to Prevent Child Abuse (Assoc. for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA)
ACSOL - The Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL) is dedicated to protecting the Constitution by restoring the civil rights of registrants and their families.
NARSOL - The National Association for Rational Sex Offender Laws
Once Fallen.is an informational and resource site specifically for those placed on the sex offense registry with excellent resources.
“Your Life on the List” (Edition 3), A Registry Survival Guide (January 2023) by Derek Logue, OnceFallen.com
Wisconsin Prison Ministry Listings - This list is compiled by JDK Ministries.
Please report any issues to Jim <click>
Fair Shake Reentry Resource Center - An excellent resource for those in reentry
Correctional Education Association - Wisconsin - An excellent website sharing information related to educational issues in Wisconsin correctional facilities. Many useful links.
The Church & the Sex Offender - A significant report written for The Methodist Church of England
Looking for Government Contact Information: Though a lot of clicking here and there, this site provides contact information for courts, jails, etc, that will help.
Titus House Ministries - a mentoring and advocacy organization that is faith-based but inclusive. We help Registered Citizens/sex offenders who are incarcerated or released to integrate back into society.
Find Employment after Release from Prison - A site offering solid information
Domestic Violence Prevention
Three Daily - Domestic Violence Prevention
Mission Statement: We believe that domestic violence is a form of domestic terrorism. Our mission is to raise awareness about the devastation domestic violence is causing in our communities by connecting and engaging with those seeking information about, writing about, and speaking out about domestic violence.